All of these apps are available for Android devices. I haven’t been compensated for my reviews, I just want to share what apps are out there. See more categories under menu Android App Reviews.


Cover artMobile Metronome (Free version).  ✰✰✰✰✰

I have tried out many different metronome apps, and this one is by far my favorite.  There are 4 sound options, 3 beat subdivision options, and a plethora of time signatures to choose from.  You can also choose whether to have the first beat be accented or not, and there are 4 ways to choose the metronome speed; type it in, sliding bar, plus and minus button, and tap it yourself.

I love that I can choose which sound I want.  Many other apps I’ve tried don’t have this option, and have very annoying tones.  My other favorite thing about the app is being able to tap the tempo and it can tell me what it is.  I actually use this all the time when conducting choir to make sure that we are staying up to tempo while the choir is still singing.

The one downfall to this app (though I know it’s necessary since it is free) is that there are adds.  I worry that some of my students might click the adds accidentally.  Looking at the Pro version I can see a big benefit of purchasing it.  It has a lot more options, as well as ad free.  Right now it is only $1.50 which is a lot cheaper than any metronome you could purchase at a music store.


Cover artMobile Metronome Pro (Paid $1.50) ✰✰✰✰✰

I loved the free version so much that I had to get the paid version. There are a few things that are different than the free version. One thing is that you can choose to have your screen flash with each beat for a visual cue, and/or have your device vibrate.  This would be handy for using more senses to “feel” the beat. Something that I also like about this app is that you can save your preset, so you could have a preset for each song you are practicing.  One other difference between this and the free version is that the paid version does not have ads.


Cover artPractice Hub (free) ✰✰✰✰✰

This is a nice combination of a bunch of apps.  There is a metronome, tuner, and drone with the option to use more than one at a time.  If they were all seperate I probably wouldn’t like them on their own, but together they’re pretty good.  The metronome only has one tone option, though you can choose how many beats you want (up to 32) and how many beats off (for alternating beats and silence).  It does have the capability to tap in the tempo you’d like. The tuner will tell you the note name and how many cents off you are.  My favorite thing is the drone.  You can choose any note or set of notes for the drone to play, as well as having it play a 5th above.  I definitely recommend this to my violin students for helping to stay in tune while practicing scales.  You can also choose individually how loud you would like the metronome and drone to be when they are playing at the same time.



Cover artTuner- gStrings (free) ✰✰✰✰✰

I have used this app for years.  As the name states it is a tuner.  You can set it to tune only to a certain note, play the tone for a certain note, or auto tune (tells you what note you play).  Within the options you can adjust microphone sensitivity, range (what instrument you’re tuning) adjust target frequencies, temperaments, and a few other things.